Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Thoughts of the day....

I discovered a new set of feelings today. Well, I seem to be feeling them each and every day. Feelings I never knew I could have. Feelings that just grow and swell within me day after day. My children fill me with wonder and amazement every day. Sometimes I just stare at them in awe! Is that weird? Sometimes I feel that I don't want them to grow up anymore so I can enjoy their sweet innocence perpetually. I love their wide-eyed innocence when they are in awe of something they find truly amazing.

As a mother, I make lists in my head as I drift off to sleep. When I saw this scene acted by SJP in the film "I Don't Know How She Does It" I was so excited that I could show my husband that this is exactly what goes on in my head as I lie in bed.
Another line from the movie which I loved was the following description of mothers:
"While apart from their children, mothers are wondering what they're doing, wishing they are safe and hoping they are happy."

Lessons in life: What you can and cannot do

1. You cannot make everyone happy, so look after number 1, because no-one else will
2. Pick your battles - it's a cliche but you win some, you lose some
3. You are not always right
4. Learn how to make decisions, it is an essential life skill which you don't learn at school. At school you mainly learn how to follow instructions and a set of rules. 
5. Respect and trust have to be earned in any relationship, even from your own children
6. Take everyday action towards your goals
7. You are only limited by your attitude
8. Be grateful for all you have

On that last point, I feel that I'm finally starting to get my life back. I don't have the duty of taking K with me everywhere. There is so much we take for granted in our lives. Our health. Our ability to see, hear, walk, talk, feel, touch, and even just to breathe. Our wealth. The roof over our heads, clean running water, heating, electricity and gadgets. Cars, education, holidays, restaurants and entertainment. Doctors, medical care and medicine, laws and their enforcers. We are lucky enough to see all these things as necessities in our lives. Imagine if you lost just one of these things. It can turn your world upsidedown. Now imagine losing 2,3 or 4 and you have entered what the Western developed world calls a Third World country....

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